Here is a sampling of what RANS customers have to say.....

Mary and I enjoyed our brief visit with you and Randy last week. We made it home to Huntington without a hitch and spent the next few days unpacking and inventorying parts. Tell Randy that I am very impressed with the quality of the parts and manuals. This is my 4th aircraft build and this is by far the most complete and highest quality kit that I have undertaken.
Wayne Ristine
Huntington, IN
I have watched RANS grow from the beginning. You are buying more than just a plane or bike from RANS. You are buying a history of outstanding development that delivers the quality you would expect.-Jerry Pfeifer, Olathe, KS

I really appreciate the S-18 design & build quality of the components. It is a very docile and fun to fly platform.
The wings have the aluminum build up ribs and covered with Stewart Systems.
It is equipped with a Rotax 582 blue head with the oil injection system removed, I run Amsoil Saber 80:1.
I'm swinging a 68" 3 blade ground adjustable IVO propeller that seems to perform well with this engine & plane combo.
Warm summer mornings & evenings are simply a joy in the S-18.
Ben Austerman, Casstown, OH
“After over 1000 hours on three versions of the RANS S7, including an older S7 longtail (N317DB), one of the first S-LSA’s (N14NK) and now the newest version of the S-LSA (N913DT), I can say that the evolution of this aircraft has been incredible. RANS has worked hard to continue to improve the “7” to the point where it is an incredibly nice airplane to fly and to own. My first introduction to RANS was about 10 years ago and my experience with both the company and the aircraft has been nothing but positive. The value that you get for your investment in these aircraft is well worth the price !.”
Mike Willey
Oakland, Maine

The trip we did was in company with 3 other aircraft, 7 people in total. We went to see Lake Eyre which is a dry salt lake that only fills with water if the rain falls in certain river systems in the north of our continent. It's full at the moment, hence the trip. We flew 21 hours, 12 landings around 108 knots air speed average and 13.5 Aussie litres of fuel per hour.
My RANS S19 Venterra.
This aircraft is my 3rd RANS build. I have also plans built a Hummelbird which in reality probably served me well in the building of the 19. My first RANS was an S4 and my second an S6S. The 6 I owned for 19 years and still flew during the Venterra building.
I love making things, had Meccano sets when I was a boy, so the 19 was ideal. This kit was just like Meccano and everything just FITS.
However, like all kit aircraft you have to be a forward thinking person and a self starter but this is really not that hard.
I first paid my deposit in 2006, received my boxes in 2009 and first flew the plane in late 2014. With my kit I received 3 books ( parts, figures and instructions) and later I obtained 2 DVD's on interior and engine fitment. There was not really anything I couldn't figure out with the manuals and I can say I probably only rang RANS 2 or 3 times for more info during construction. Leading up to building I collected brochures, stories in aero mags, and as much printed material as I could as it is surprising how much you can glean from pictures of your new build.
I enjoyed the building over a 4 year period and my garage became a meeting point for other enthusiasts and even passers- by showed interest. As I said before everything just flows ( FITS) together by following the book procedures . Naturally there were some things which required some self made changes. I had cockpit floor rails which weren't quite pressed correctly but making some rivet line shims ensured a smooth flow of the bottom fuselage skin. The same type of shims I made for the sub ribs over the fuel tanks to ensure a smooth flow of the top wing skin. I made extra strips to go under the rivets of the forward plastic wing tips and " notched " the areas on top wing skins where 4 sheets lapped over each other. This prevents that awful bump I've seen on other aircraft.
My brakes failed early on and I made metal lines from the calipers up the gear legs to join the Parker plastic lines at the fuselage edge. This better dissipates the heat generated at the calipers and prevents the lines swelling and sliding out of the olives. (Simply as they are no longer there).
OK there is some cutting fitting and work to do with the Windscreen, Canopy and engine cowling , but it is all achievable with a little finesse and forethought.
I have a small ongoing issue with my Canopy sliders as I did not modify the 4 forward rivets on each side enough and they drag when closing. It is however getting better as the slider gradually wears down the offending tails over time.
Initially when I first started taxi testing I found it difficult to steer and keep straight with the castering nose wheel. This contributed to the heavy use of brakes and the brake failure. I did not take off in this plane until I could master the ground handling. That was 8 hours. ( My Hummelbird stayed on the ground for 14 hours, and that is a taildragger)
The ground handling of the 19 is now automatic and second nature to me.
If I had a real criticism it would be the fuel caps. They are sometimes hard to remove as you have to tighten them up to prevent leakage. It's sometimes hard to remove them when the tank changes shape ( as all plastic tanks do , even in cars ) and it's hard to get fingers down the sides of the scuppers. I made a small tool out of an expandable oil filter remover ...........works just fine.
I had to make an oil cooler blanking plate to get the temperature right, but that is not really a RANS kit issue.
I've done 115.5 hours in this plane and for the last 50 or so I can honestly say the cowling has not come off. How many aircraft do you see belonging to your friends who are always tinkering, and the cowling off most of the time.
The airfield I operate at has a gravel runway and stone chips on the propeller back face are an ongoing problem. I have however now been better able to manage my taxiing and rolling where it is becoming less of an issue.
In summary if I were to express it in percentage terms the aircraft build was .5 % real hard and 99.5 % normal simplicity. There is a lot of help on the Internet , from builder groups.
I love flying my Venterra now, it is a "natural " aeroplane. You could fly it at midnight with your eyes shut.
David King

David King and his award winning Venterra in Narromine, Central New South Wales

Hi Rans Team,
I wanted to send you a picture of my recently completed S-7S. My first flight was Saturday, February 11, 2017. The airplane flies beautifully and hands off. Thank you for all your help and support and thank you to Randy and the rest of the team for creating such a delightful airplane.
Brent Hoskins
Caldwell, ID 83607
I am a happy Rans S-6LS owner. I have had 18 LSA before and will never change from Rans. It is superior in every way.
Hennie van Zyl