The google build photos don’t convey any real information. There is a mention of twist but no instructions.
Rigging the flaps section in the paragraph title there is a /Washout. But no instructions about washout. It’s bad enough my aft spar attach point parts do not match the parts manual or text manual. I can not just go ahead and hang the wings and hope for the best. Yes I have read and re-read everything that has been published including the last news letter.
This is a crucial point in any aircraft build.
Come on guys. Publish some useful information. I don’t want a $100k airplane that flys cock-eyed.
Frustrated? yes.
B.S. Aeronautical Engineering USAFA, A&P, IA. 30 years building, repairing, and maintaining RVs.
Talked to Randy. An adjustment to wing incidence may be required if you are using the Titan 340 Whirlwind combination.
The newer aft spar attach doubler appears to come with three holes for that. And revision B to the text manual reflects additional instructions.
For us with the original hardware, the latest newsletter spells out a fix. Randy assures me there is sufficient edge distance.
My plan is to test fly first then make adjustments one at a time. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE 5/16 inch Bolt: Orientation of the bolt is now opposite of the original instructions. The nut goes outboard. This will make the bracket removal much easier.
Please correct me if I am wrong. In my case I could end up with 4 holes in the aft spar attachment.