Getting to the top boot cowl install, and the frame for the instrument panel is so badly twisted that even with the instrument panel clecoed to it as per the instructions, it is still close to an inch out of being a flat surface. The sole source of the twist appears to be the formed inner flange not being bent all the way to 90*
Obviously this is raising havoc with trying to get the top center, and sides of the boot cowl clecoed to the instrument panel frame.
Considering that not only the top skin, but also the instrument panel visor will be riveted to the panel frame, thus providing a lot of strength to the frame, is it OK to cut notches in the inner flange of the panel frame to relax some of the twist?? Or, simply remove the inner flange in the area of the top curved section??
OK, to close the loop on this ---- got the OK from Michelle to cut the inner flange.
Everything lined up fine after that---zero straightening needed after removing the flange.
Now------installing the panel visor. Looks to be a pain, as tight as the boot cowl fits the additional thickness of the visor looks like it will require a big hammer or removing material at the ends of the visor.
Any advice?